Diretoria internacional

Congresso 2017 – IES Uruguay

Lista dos membros acreditados do IES, inscritos no Registro dos Ecotuners (IRoE), para o ano corrente. Para procurar um profissional de ecopsicologia perto de onde você mora, pesquise por país.

IES Rule
A  B  C  D  E  F  G H  I  J  K  L  M  N O  P Q  R  S  T U  V W  X Y  Z _ * 
Displaying 1–20 of 70 1 2 3 4
Avatar First name Last name IES Rule Nation Website 
Daniela Ferdeghini Ecotuner - Green Coach Italy www.verdemeta.it
Julianne Skai Arbor Ecotuner USA www.treegirl.org - www.forestecotherapy.com
Lia Naor Ecotuner - Charter Israel www.leanaor.com
Marian Rios Charter - IES President 2023-2025 Colombia www.korutransformacion.com
Estuardo Martín Yacolca Melliz Charter Peru www.ecopsicologiaperu.com / www.psicoterapiaintegral.org
Alejandra Small Carmona Ecotuner Peru www.ecopsicologiaperu.com
Analuisa Díaz Trias Ecotuner Uruguay www.ecopsicologia.com.uy
Ann Sterckx Charter - IES Board Belgium www.earthwise.education
Caroline Chouteau Ecotuner USA www.celestialmud.com
Cat Pantaleo Ecotuner USA www.catpantaleo.com
Jennifer Boyd-Mullineaux Ecotuner USA www.boydwellness.com
Mark Stone Ecotuner New Zealand www.besimplicity.co.nz
Veronica Leotta Ecotuner Italy work in progress...
Hélène Cirujano Ecotuner France https://www.zestforlifepicture.com
Cristina Pelizzatti Ecotuner Italy https://www.syntegritycoaching.com
Tina Fields Ecotuner - Charter USA https://www.naropa.edu/faculty/tina-fields.php
Anne Z. Parker Ecotuner USA https://www.naropa.edu//faculty/anne-parker.php
Isabel Santis Ecotuner USA https://www.isabelsantis.com/
Kleio Apostolaki Charter - IES Board - President IES 2017 - 2019 Greece https://www.ecopsychology.gr/en/
Zahra Indigo Rønlov Ecotuner USA https://sacredwitness.center
Displaying 1–20 of 70 1 2 3 4

Quem pode se registrar no IROE?

o que é Ecotuning e o que faz um ecotuner?