Principais referências bibliográficas

Bibliografia para uma introdução à Ecopsicologia

Theodore Roszak, The voice of the Earth: An exploration of Ecopsychology, 1992 Theodore Roszak, Mary E. Gomes, Allen D. Kanner, Ecopsychology – Restoring the Earth/Healing the Mind, 1995
Linda Buzzell, Craig Chalquist, Ecotherapy: Healing with Nature in Mind, 2009 Howard Clinebell, Ecotherapy: healing ourselves, healing the Earth, 1996 (2013)
John Seed, Joanna Macy, Pat Fleming & Arne Naess, Thinking like a mountain: Towards a council of all beings, 1988 Joanna Macy, Molly Young Brown, Coming Back to Life: Practices to Reconnect Our Lives, 1998 (2014)
Philip Sutton Chard The Healing Earth, 1994 Ralph Metzner, Green Psychology – Transforming Our Relationship to the Earth, 1999
Andy Fisher, Radical Ecopsychology: Psychology in service of life, 2013 Jorge Conesa Sevilla, Ecopsychology as Ultimate Force Psychology: A biosemiotic approach to nature estrangement and nature alienation, 2006
Peter H. Kahn & Patricia H. Hasbach, Ecopsychology: Science, Totems and the Technological Species, 2012 Carl G. Jung & Meredith Sabini, The Earth has a soul: Jung on Nature, Technology & Modern life, 2002


Bibliografia em Português

Marco Aurélio Bilibio, De frente para o espelho: Ecopsicologia e sustentabilidade, 2013


Bibliografia em inglês
Bibliografia em espanhol
Bibliografia em italiano
Livros escritos por membros da IES


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