International Register of Ecotuners (Iroe)

2017 Conference – IES Uruguay

IES has established the International Register of EcoTuners (Iroe) to elevate the role of Ecotuners as facilitators of human-nature relationships and ecopsychologically oriented activities. The register aims to:

  • Promote the dissemination of Ecopsychology.
  • Ensure the quality of its application across various professional fields.
  • Foster a network for meetings and exchanges among Ecopsychology professionals.

As an international association active since 2006, IES includes professionals from over 23 countries worldwide who are deeply committed to the teaching, application, and promotion of Ecopsychology. Drawing on input from its charters and IES Schools, IES has defined the criteria that establish the professional profile and work of an Ecotuner.

Aligned with current European legislation on unregulated professions, IES functions as a professional association for Ecopsychology. While not claiming exclusivity in the field, IES seeks to inspire interest in ecopsychologically focused professions, working collaboratively to consolidate and refine the vision and practices inspired by Ecopsychology.

The term Ecotuner originated during the first IES convention in 2006 (when IES was still the European Ecopsychology Society, EES) and refers to the professional profile defined and recognized by IES. Notably, Ecotuner is a registered trademark.

Code of Ethics
Individuals who achieve Certified Ecotuner status through training at an IES School can become accredited IES members and request registration in the International Ecotuner Registry after reading and agreeing to the IES Code of Ethics and paid subscription as Ecotuner.

A List of accredited IES members, inscribed in the Ecotuner Registers (IRoE), for the current year.

To search for an ecopsychology professional near where you live, search by country.

IES Rule
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Displaying 41–53 of 53  1 2 3
Avatar First name Last name IES Rule Nation Website
Francisco Restrepo Ecotuner Colombia
Marcelly Reynoso Ecotuner IES Colombia USA
Marian Rios Charter Colombia - IES President 2023-2025 Colombia
Cláudia Rodrigues Charter Portugal
Flor Roura Morales Charter Mexico
Marjolein Rubens Ecotuner Netherlands
Pilar Serrano de la Morena Ecotuner Spain
Alejandra Small Carmona Ecotuner Peru
Ann Sterckx Charter - IES Board Belgium
Bianca van Overmeeren Charter Netherlands
Susana Veilati Ecotuner Spain
Maria Cruz Zamora Martín Ecotuner Spain
Monica Zilianti Ecotuner Italy
Displaying 41–53 of 53  1 2 3

What is Ecotuning and what does an Ecotuner do?