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MEDITATION IN THE CHAOS In the last paragraph of the essay Think like a mountain, the American naturalist Ald Leopold (1887-1948), explains  how “we all strive for security, prosperity, comfort, a life as long and tasteless as possible. (…) Some degree of success in achieving this goal is fine, and perhaps a prerequisite for missing thought, but too much security...
We have been hearing about climate change and land decline for several years now. But humans have a feature: it is difficult for us to size something that we do not see or experience, unless we develop our deep connection capacity and in this case; our compassion. The definition of compassion in the dictionary appears as follows: "Feeling of sadness...
In the opening years of the 21st century, we face enormous challenges. We can no longer afford the luxury of pursuing various intellectual and vocational disciplines apart from environmental and social realities. We must reform our economy and way of life towards a life sustaining society. To do this, we need a “ecoliterate” citizenry, aware of our interconnectedness with...