Degree Programs and Courses in Ecopsychology
- M.A. in Ecopsychology. Naropa University. Boulder, Colorado, USA
- M.A. & Ph.D. in Depth Psychology with specialization in Community Psychology, Liberation Psychology& Ecopsychology. Pacifica Graduate Institute, Santa Barbara, California, USA
- Ecopsychology Certificate. Lewis & Clark College, Graduate School of Education and Counseling. Portland, Oregon, USA
- Certificate in Ecotherapy and Sustainable Systems. John F. Kennedy University.Pleasant Hill, California, USA.
- M.A. and D.A. in Ecopsychology and Environmental Humanities. Also Non-degree courses. Viridis Graduate Institute, Ojai, CA, USA.Viridis Graduate Institute, Ojai, CA, USA.
- Advanced Certificate in Ecotherapy. Delivered by Australian IES Representative Dr Geoff Berry, of Nature Calling Ecotherapy, at Metavision Institute, Australia.
- M.A./Ph.D. EcoPsychology, Spiritual Ecology & Human Development.University of Earth, California.
- Professional Diploma/M.S./Ph.D. in Applied Ecopsychology. Akamai University, Hawaii.
- ELTE Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest: the Faculty of Education and Psychology launched a 2-year specialized training titled “Pro-environmental psychology” in 2021, for those who have who have attained a Master’s degree in Psychology. Within this specialized curriculum, there are two dedicated courses focusing on ecopsychology: “Ecopsychology and the Scientific Foundations of Sustainability” and “Ecopsychological Counseling.”
- Since 2023, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, the Faculty of Education and Psychology has introduced an elective practical course tailored for Master of Arts students in Psychology titled “Ecopsychological Counseling”.
United States of America
- CIIS, San Francisco, CA, USA. BA course in Ecopsychology.
- Naropa University, Boulder, CO, USA. A. in Environmental Studies, course in Ecopsychology.
- National University, La Jolla, California, USA. Bachelor of Arts in Integrative Psychology, Course PSY474: Ecopsychology.
- SOFIA University, Palo Alto, CA, USA. Courses in Transpersonal Ecopsychology.
- Centro Universitario Regional Este – Universidad de la Republica – Maldonado, Uruguay. Curso de Introduccion a la Ecopsicología Extension universitaria de CURE.
- Instituto Universitario Francisco de Asís, Área de formación permanente, IES Training Uruguay
Find out where to follow, out of University, a training in Applied Ecopsychology