Regulations for Ecopsychology professionals and Ecotuner Code of Ethics

This regulation was approved by the IES Board in August 28th 2023 and by IES associates assembly in September 24th 2023.

Its purpose is to provide a regulatory framework for the operation of the International Ecopsychology Society. The IES is an international non-profit association that brings together psychologists and other professionals called Ecotuners, committed to social, environmental and relational development.

The IES does not adhere to any specific political, partisan, religious ideology, and does not support any kind of discrimination. IES does require respect and openness to dialogue toward different opinions, lifestyles and worldviews.

The IES’s actions tend to be of an investigative, academic, psychological, organizational, psychotherapeutic, therapeutic type, and any other that creatively grows biophilia and the well-being of all the kingdoms of Nature.

This document is divided into 7 sections:


Of the name of the Ecotuner

1. Ecotuners are professionals specialized in Applied Ecopsychology and are Facilitators of reconnection with Nature.

a. In Ecopsychology, it is clear that there is a direct correspondence between how we live our relationship with the outside world and how we live our relationship with ourselves and with others.

b. Ecotuners are facilitators of the reconnection with external and internal Nature, with its complexity and richness.

2. Ecotuners are formed and trained in an IES School or in an equivalent training that has been recognized by the IES board following the 5 sections of the IES Training:

a. The theory of Ecopsychology

b. Personal growth

c. Ecopsychology experiential seminars in nature

d. Practice of Ecotuning and the art of communication

e. Ecotuning individual final project

3. Ecotuners who have a university degree in psychology, can choose on their own initiative, to define themselves as an Ecopsychologist which, for IES, means a psychologist with training and experience in Ecotuning by an IES school or being recognized as such by IES.

Code of ethics of the Ecotuner

4. Ecotuners are experts in ecopsychological relationships and care about listening in a dialogic way considering everyone, humans and non-humans, keeping their communication always enriching and empowering.

5. Ecotuners know the importance of the responsible word in the I-you relationship, and know how to calibrate their speeches without falling into comments or value judgments.

6. Ecotuners are interested in carrying out a deep self-knowledge process at all times, which allows them to build healthy relationships and recognize when their own projections arise, in order to manage them and not allow them to contaminate the quality of the relationship with their participants. and with their colleagues.

7. Ecotuners consider themselves on a path of permanent personal growth and are always capable of learning from the people they meet, from the situations that arise, from the new knowledge that they disseminate. They are always open to enrich themselves, expanding their relational, mental and spiritual horizons.

8. Ecotuners honor the great mystery and never impose on their audience a personal vision or a map of reality without first making it clear that they are bringing one of the many possible ways of seeing things.

9. Ecotuners, in the performance of their mission, remain solely within their knowledge and professional experience, acquired with training in Ecotuning and their particular professional training. For example, the Ecotuner who has training in different areas related to interventions in Nature, or art, education or psychology can enrich their activity with their knowledge and experience.

10. Ecotuners are focused on well-being, not on psychopathology, nor on psychotherapy. If any participant shows deeper problems, the Ecotuner should refer the person to an appropriate health professional. When they are not professionally trained for that, the Ecotuner does not enter into psychotherapeutic issues.

11. Ecotuners works at the service of life to promote an ecocentric vision, awaken innate biophilia, promote awareness of being Nature and facilitate commitment and responsibility for life, as expressed by the concept of ‘active hope’ proposed by Joanna Macy, pioneer and inspiration of Ecopsychology.

12. Ecotuners present Ecopsychology as a transdisciplinary approach that is based on science, and avoid the use of terminologies that are not appropriate to this context, but also open up to dialogue with other sources of knowledge.

13. Ecotuners are attentive and respectful in the matter of cultural appropriation. They are invited to seek wisdom and ancestral practices from the culture of the zone where they live or where they come from. The use of plants, secret rituals and healing practices cannot be led unless the Ecotuners have been initiated by a traditional representative or the ceremonies are led or co-led by traditional representatives.

14. Ecotuners seek to consistently apply the values of Ecopsychology in their own life, and thus be able to become an inspiration and guide for others.

15. Ecotuners work mainly with what is, with their passions, intuitions, knowledge, with dedication and commitment to the mission of Ecopsychology. In addition to the basic practices of Ecopsychology, exercises and games suitable for each situation, each group of participants and particular context can be invented. They can also use practices learned from other professionals or other Ecotuners, always honoring them with gratitude and citing the source.

16. Ecotuners work mainly outdoors. They have the responsibility to ensure the basic security conditions to be able to enjoy the connection with Nature. IES suggests that the Ecotuner add safety and first aid skills to their profile. It is also appropriate to arrange an insurance for their own liabilities and to protect participants from accidents.

17. Ecotuners support the strengthening and development of Ecopsychology in their bioregion/country, always seeking to build networks and synergies. Therefore, they are invited to communicate to the local IES School and their peers, about their activities, thus creating synergistic projects that benefit the Ecotuners’ community and the ecosystem.

18. Ecotuners with international activity, in order to maintain the vital IES network, must establish a relationship of collaboration and dialogue with the local representatives of IES, informing and involving them before carrying out any activity in another country. In addition, in the event that Ecotuners require official recognition of a specific activity, they can do a request at the IES School of the corresponding country, respecting the right of said School to evaluate the request.

19. Ecotuners can operate in another country where IES is not represented, only with the authorization of the IES board of directors. This intervention should stimulate the formation of a national ecopsychological community in this country.

20. Ecotuners can request IES representation in a country where there is no representation yet only if they live or work there permanently.

21. Training in Ecotuning, which is given in all IES Schools, trains students to lead Ecotuning activities. These trainings are not meant to teach Ecopsychology or Ecotuning. To be qualified to teach Ecopsychology/Ecotuning, they must first follow an adequate training within the IES School of their country with the recognition of IES. Their activity as a teacher of Ecopsychology/Ecotuning will be carried out only within the IES School of their country or, in another case, in agreement with the director of their IES School.

22. The emulation of work models is free among the Charters, ecotuners and other practitioners of Ecopsychology, as long as the credits are given to the authors. In this way, the models already used can evolve, serving as a basis for subsequent contributions in parallel with the development of new models. It is sought that the community of Charters and Ecotuners make constant exchanges on experimentation with different models of reconnection with nature and self-knowledge.

23. Ecotuners must keep the Charter of their country informed of the activities related to Ecopsychology that they carry out.

24. Ecotuners can use the logo of the representation of the IES School of their country only when authorized by the Charter and IES School.

Fields of action of the Ecotuner

25. Certification as an Ecotuner is a complementary certification to the previous professional or educational training of the person. The fields of action of Ecotuners will be determined by their activity prior to the IES training.

26. The IES Training for Ecotuners DOES NOT qualify to practice any type of therapy that requires some type of national accreditation, even though the activities are therapeutic in themselves.

Ecotuner qualification renewal

27. It is essential for the Ecotuner to continue their professional update with a minimum of two days of training per year, for a total of 48 hours every three years. In order to renew the registration in the international registry as Ecotuner, every three years the IES will request the certification of these updates that must be carried out in the IES schools or in similar areas, subject to the acceptance of the board of directors (point 6).

Who is an IES Charter?

28. Charters are national representatives. They are people trusted by the IES, who carry out actions to develop Ecopsychology in their country in various fields related to IES.

29. IES proposes that, in the relationship between a person and the institution, the person has priority. The institution serves to support people. Strength, creativity, inspiration and love are found in people, therefore, the institution should not be above people. For this reason, Charters are people and not institutions.

30. The Charter’s profile is to be a lover of nature, friendly, trustworthy, capable of going in favor of their personal, instinctive, emotional and cognitive nature, and delving into their own personality structure, inclined to work for the well-being of others and with the organization. It is important that they show leadership and eco-leadership skills (ability to have a systemic vision of people, nature, groups, organizations and networks).

How to become a Charter?

31. Prerequisites

a. Be an accredited psychologist or equivalent by the laws of their country.

b. Being an Ecotuner, with training in applied Ecopsychology accredited by IES.

32. First steps

A candidate must follow the steps below to be part of IES:

a. Read the full Rules on the process to become an IES Charter on the website.

b. Express to the IES secretariat the interest in representing the IES in their country, where there is no previous representation.

c. Write a letter to the IES Board introducing themselves and explaining the motivations that guide them in this direction and the projects they intend to develop.

d. Send a resume, a copy of the university titles and the detailed training – theoretical and practical – in Ecopsychology.

e. The candidate must already be an Ecotuner or complete the training necessary to become an Ecotuner.

f. Join IES like a associate.

g. Since then, a two-year process begins, reduced or expanded at the discretion of the IES board of directors, after which recognition as a Charter is granted or not.

h. Present their motivations to become a representative of the IES and their project for the promotion of Ecopsychology in their country and present it at one of the monthly meetings of the Board of Directors.

i. Participate in the first IES congress in the program.

j. Participate in the monthly meetings of the Charters online.

k. The candidate will be assigned a mentor among the already active Charters, with whom they will be in direct contact during these two years.

l. Participate actively in the association’s programs (webinars, in-depth conversations, working groups, research…)

m. The formalization will preferably take place at the next IES international congress. In the event that the board of directors considers it is necessary to formalize a Charter outside those dates, it will propose the means through which officialization is made.

33. Responsibilities and rights and of the Charter.

When a Charter becomes part of the IES, they need to start their mission by assuming certain responsibilities:

a. Carry out the development of Ecopsychology through the creation of a non-profit Society, Institute, Center, School or Association, with the purpose of including Ecopsychology in the areas of its greatest strength: academic, investigative, organizational, psychotherapeutic, educational, etc.

b. Build a website connected to the IES website:

c. Develop Ecopsychology in their country, give lectures, organize seminars, workshops or similar in fields related to Ecopsychology.

d. In order to open an IES School and offer IES Training, the Charter must first have undergone training to become a trainer.

e. Collaborate with the promotion and management of IES proposing what is the contribution they want to make to the Association.

f. Participate in International Conferences of IES.

g. Being the intermediary between IES and national, academic and research organizations in their country.

h. Be the coordinator of national ecopsychological initiatives and link up with new partners in their country.

i. Pay the corresponding annual fee.

j. Support the IES Network in their country.

k. Support and promote the activity of Ecotuners in their country.

l. If there are Ecotuners certified by the IES in a country prior to the officialization of the Charter, they must integrate them into their network. The Ecotuner will resort to the Charter for any question related to the IES, accepting the terms of the Regulation for Ecopsychology professionals and its code of ethics.

m. It is the responsibility of the Charter to identify and prepare the future Charter of its country for when the time comes to leave the position of Charter. The new Charter will be presented to the Board of Directors by the previous Charter and must follow the same approval process.

n. The national Charter is responsible for the presence of IES in the country. Because we support the idea that we are part of an ecosystem, so is IES and each Charter works in collaboration with the others. In their country, a Charter is autonomous. When a Charter from one country intends to engage in public activities related to Ecopsychology in another country—such as congresses, research, seminars, or similar events—without direct involvement with IES, it is advisable (though not obligatory) for them to inform both the Charter and the local IES community in advance. This allows for potential support from the community during their activities. Private Ecopsychology jobs in another country where there is a Charter and an IES community must be carried out in accordance with the Ecotuner code of ethics.

o. If an interested person from another country contacts a Charter, they must direct them to the Charter of their country.

When a Charter becomes part of the IES, they need to start their mission by also assuming certain rights:

a. Participate in all Charters meetings.

b. Use the IES logo as indicated below.

c. Be included in the directory as Charter on the IES website.

d. Be elected to serve on the Board of Directors.

e. May their actions be supported by the IES.

f. Have a privileged place as a presenter at IES congresses.

g. They will have the opportunity to organize an IES congress in their country.

h. Have international recognition of their status.

i. . To be respected by Ecotuners and Charters from other nations in their role of official representative.

j. Open denial processes before the IES Board of Directors when Ecotuners plan to carry out activities that could harm the public image of Ecopsychology in their country.

34. Termination of Charter’s role

a. The Charter role is evaluated for renewal every two years by the Board at IES Congresses. If IES Charters do not show any progress, do not participate or send representatives on their behalf to Congresses, do not keep in contact with other Charters for two years, and do not pay the annual fee, the Board of Directors is free to offer its role to someone else.

b. The Charter has the right to terminate their role with 3 months notice to the board. The board will instruct them regarding the steps they must take to close their Charter role.

c. As the situations in each country are different, the change of the role of the Charter is a joint decision of the Charter with the Board of Directors.

d. The Charter must decide when it is better for themselves and for Ecopsychology that someone else is the Charter in their country. The Charter, in its intention to strengthen Ecopsychology in its country, creates a network of Ecopsychologists and Ecotuners that in turn will generate the future Charter. The time of passage of the Charter position must be chosen by mutual agreement between the current Charter and the board of directors.

International Training in Applied Ecopsychology – IES Training – Ecotuning Training

35. Consolidated national Charters, after teacher training at IES, or pre-existing ecopsychology schools, can establish IES Schools. These schools can be endorsed by undergoing a candidacy process to become recognized as IES schools.

36. IES schools are defined as schools founded by accredited Charters that have also completed IES training or equivalent competencies.

37. There can only be one IES School per country.

38. If a Charter leaves their representative role, it will be discussed on a case by case basis whether they can maintain, in accordance with the new Charter, the qualification of the IES Schools or not.

39. “International Training in Applied Ecopsychology- Ecotuning Trainig” is a training accredited by IES, which respects the parameters of hours, contents, methodologies and organization defined within IES and which refers to the professional qualification of the Ecotuner and other possible specializations related to applied Ecopsychology.

40. The name “International Training in Applied Ecopsychology – Ecotuning Trainig” must be used in the name of the training in all IES schools.

41. The expression Master, for International Training in Applied Ecopsychology, cannot be used, because in different countries it is reserved for academic training only and could lead to confusion among potential students.

42. The basic scheme of the organization of the International Training in Applied Ecopsychology of each school must respect the parameters and topics presented on the website: or future agreements on the international training curriculum of IES.

43. IES schools commit to follow the theoretical-methodological guidelines of the international training curriculum that seeks to integrate the competency model of the Ecotuner and ecopsychological theories and frameworks.

44. The basic title issued by the IES School must be the same in all IES Schools: “ECOTUNER – Facilitator of reconnection with Nature”.

45. The diploma, on paper or pdf, of the “International Training in Applied Ecopsychology”, is provided by the Secretary of the IES and is the same for all Schools, in English. It has the IES logo, the name and signature of the director of the School and the IES President. The certificate is awarded when the IES School course ends.

46. When the students follow a module at another school, they must ask their original school for a document to verify their curriculum. The new school will also issue a document of what has been done. This document is important for the receiving school where the students wish to finish their training.

47. When students of the International Training in Applied Ecopsychology of an IES School enroll in a seminar at another IES School, on the recommendation of the director of the school from which they come, they can receive a discount on the seminar fee.

48. When an IES School receives a registration request from a student living in a country where an IES School already exists, before registering this person, the school will notify this person of the existence of an IES School in their country, and will ask the person to first consult the School’s programs in their country.

49. Teachers from different IES Schools will be able to create exchanges of conferences, collaborations, exchanges of ways in e-learning, with the agreements established between them.

50. IES Schools can share student work, articles, resources and materials from different schools in a library and organize joint research on the effects of ecotuning activities.

51. The Ecoally is a supporter of IES. Everyone can, as Ecoally, become affiliated members of IES. Everyone can support the vision and mission of the association and become promoters of a greater awareness of our close interdependency with Nature, with the web of life as a whole, both in the private and professional life.

52. Being an Ecoally means:

  • Cultivate ecological relationships, based on listening and mutual respect.
  • Awaken and strengthen one’s own and others’ innate affinity with life and the natural world (biophilia).
  • Cultivate models and visions that enhance the great power we have in relation to the realities of which we are a part.
  • Practice conscious consumption and promote sustainability.
  • Take measures in their own local, personal and professional reality, each with their own ways, means and time, to facilitate the consolidation of a broader terrestrial identity, which includes all the kingdoms of the Earth.

53. An Ecoally has the right to participate in online activities reserved for members and has access to the reserved section of the site with links to web pages from previous years and other informative material reserved for members.

54. An Ecoally is entitled to a discount for attending international IES conferences.

55. An Ecoally does not appear in the international directory.

56. The annual fee, calendar year, is 40 euros.

57. The IES Congresses are the heart of the associative life of the international community. They are held every two years.

58. The Congresses are organized in places of particular natural beauty with different programs on each occasion. With conferences, experiential workshops developed in a warm and welcoming atmosphere, enthusiasm and the possibility of deep contact that goes beyond a strict and scientific exchange of knowledge, foundations and experiences.

59. The organization of the Congress is entirely the responsibility of the host country in collaboration with the Board of Directors, with which the main strategic and logistical decisions will be made.

60. In each congress the next venue will be chosen.

61. The congresses are non-profit, and the profits or excess money will go to the IES treasury.

62. The country organizing the congress will be acting in favor of IES and the dissemination of Ecopsychology in its country and the world, but the greatest benefit is for IES.

63. All IES congresses must follow the following standards:

a. The organization must begin two years before, immediately after the end of the previous congress. Date, location, logo and title will be defined at least a year and a half in advance.

b. The call for papers must be launched one year before and be addressed to Charters and IES partners. The program may also include invited speakers.

c. The conference participation fee will be agreed with the Board of Directors taking into account the above event standards and the specific situation of the host country and will include a member discount and possibly an early bird discount.

d. The duration of the IES conference is 5 days, beginning in the afternoon of the first day, concluding with lunch on the last day and a members’ meeting on the last afternoon.

e. Each conference will have an opening and closing ceremony, and organized or self-organized evening activities.

f. Participants will be provided with information material, notebook and pen, possibly with a folder or bag.

g. The creation of t-shirts with the congress logo to sell to the participants, to recover expenses, is welcomed.

h. The traditional culture of the host country and the cultural contributions of the original populations will dialogue with Ecopsychology in the scope of the congress and its activities.

i . A professional and simultaneous translation service will be arranged that includes the local language, English and Spanish.

j. The organization must facilitate access to the congress venue.


by the Charters

64. The Charter is responsible for using the IES logo in a manner relevant to the objectives and area of action of the association.

65. The Charter must preserve the use of the logo, not sharing it with people who do not belong to the association.

66. The Charter is always responsible for the use of the logo when working with another person not belonging to the association.

67. If the Charter is not actively involved in an activity, the logo cannot be used on their behalf.

68. The use of the logo by a Charter outside its own country: The Charter must inform the board of directors of the IES of its intention to carry out a Charter activity in a country without IES representation. The Charter of another country may use the logo of the IES in a country with representation, only if the host Charter consents to its use.

By Ecotuners and other IES members

69. Ecotuners and other IES members who want to organize something with the IES logo, must inform first about the initiative and agree with the IES Charter of the country in which they reside; then they must request permission from the board, presenting the Project to be carried out on behalf of IES. A special logo will be provided for that purpose.

70. The use of the logo in support of an event that is not carried out by a Charter, must be proposed to the board of directors and only they can accredit it. This is valid for all IES partners.

71. As it is a non-profit organization, the funds obtained from the annuities of partners and the income from the congresses will be used for the maintenance of the IES website, the payment of the registration of IES in the public registry of Switzerland, taxes, fees of the Swiss accountant and all that expense that the board of directors finds essential.

72. The funds of the IES can eventually be used to support the management of Charters in congresses that make grow and develop the visibility of Ecopsychology in the world.

73. All IES partners will abide by the Ecotuner code of ethics.

74. The connection with IES implies the acceptance of this regulation.


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