Ecotuner Profession

Ecotuning is the art of discovering and help other to rediscover the sense of connection and sharing with nature. Ecotuning is the set of practices of Applied Ecopsychology, to be used outdoor and indoor in order to awake the innate biophilia, to stimulate a deeper and more authentic people’s relationship with nature.

Ecotuning starts from the accompaniment to enter nature with a more open, present and perceptive state of consciousness in order to grasp, in the silence and voice of nature, aspects of one’s inner world that otherwise would remain unseen.

The Ecotuner is a professional trained to help others to find the primordial frequency that makes it possible to tune into nature; it facilitates the relationship with “Nature outside” and, at the same time, with “Nature inside”. It is the facilitation of ecopsychologically oriented activities.

What are the skills of an Ecotuner?

  • Knowledge of the the main concepts of ecopsychological theory.
  • Promotion of psychological well-being in individuals and groups.
  • Management of methodological and conceptual tools to promote awareness of the intra and interpersonal ecosystem in educational, organizational and community contexts.
  • Implementation of actions for personal growth and ecosocial transformation.
  • Facilitation of the processes of transformative learning, on a personal and collective level.
  • Creation of projects and interventions based on the conceptual framework of Ecopsychology and Sustainable Development.
  • Facilitation of experiences of transformation in the personal, community and environmental fields.

The Ecotuner is a new professional figure, born in 2006 within the European Ecopsychology Society (EES) – today International Ecopsychology Society (IES) – with the goal of promoting the professionalism of those who have been trained in Applied Ecopsychology.

The Ecotuner operates in various fields, mainly with groups: personal growth, environmental education, pet therapy, activities with children, company training, community events. It is a figure that gradually begins to be active also in the design and implementation of institutional projects. “Ecotuner” is a registered trademark.

As an instrument for the reconnection between human beings and nature, the Association supports, regulates and fortifies the professional figure of the Ecotuner. The Ecotuner is a professional in the field of Psychology or other fields, that interfaces with Ecopsychology. The Ecotunter acts as a facilitator of the internal and external reconnection with nature and is trained in Applied Ecopsychology. This training is designed to comply with the principles supported by IES and taught in Schools recognized by IES.

The vision, models and practices of Ecopsychology is integrated in the basic training of the Ecotuner in order to empower him/her to create activities or paths that allow people to become familiar with the natural environment and with their own inner way.

The professional of Ecopsychology, recognized by IES as an “Ecotuner”, creates conditions that facilitate and encourage contact and reconnection between external nature and inner nature. This reconnection is materialized through an authentic encounter with oneself, with others and with the world. Therefore, their role is to promote and develop greater self-awareness, self-fulfillment and commitment to both the human and more-than-human community. Ecotuners are also trained in critical thinking with regards to the crisis of contemporary civilization.

This allows the Ecotuner to become a catalyst for the qualitative leap necessary in the “current evolutionary challenge” and leads to becoming active and creative sapiens. This in turn lays the foundations for a planetary culture capable of recognizing deep roots in the past and responsibility for contemporary evolution in the future. When the Ecotuner operates in specific professional fields it can also give rise to new specializations.


Are you interested in learning how to acquire an Ecotuner professional qualification in order to register with the International Ecotuner Register?

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