All IES members are heartily invited to participate in four Deep Conversations in 2025!

Unlike webinars where experts impart knowledge to listening audiences, these are more like a big café; a place for sharing and discussion that recognizes, and draws upon, the great gift of membership in IES: its potential for creating international connections and understanding about our shared field of interest. Together, we will explore ideas, experiences, and practices for creating the kind of world in which all peoples and all species can thrive.

The overall events will be facilitated in English, but the Zoom software offers real-time translation for both speaking and listening, so all participants can easily participate in their own language. In addition, small breakout rooms are held in English, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. Your voice is most welcome.


Deep Conversation 1: New Year Singing Circle with Dr. Tina Asherae Fields

Date: 13 January 2025

Time: UTC 16:30 – 18:00 –  note the earlier than usual time.

The first Deep Conversation of 2025 is a special one that will not be spoken, but sung!

Our New Year Singing Circle will be led by Dr. Tina Asherae Fields, IES representative in the United States. Together, we will sing to the earth to warm our hearts and connect with the regenerative energy of nature, in a space of intimacy and communion.

You are invited to come listen and to also share one or two of your own favorite simple nature-loving songs.  Please know that you do not need to be a “good singer” to participate! Singing is not meant to only be done by professionals; it is part of our birthright as humans, and it can also be a powerful ecopsychological tool to bring into working with groups.

If you would like to share a song or two, please prepare by writing out the lyrics/words ahead of time along with a translation into both English and Spanish, so you can paste them into the Chat for all to see. (We know it won’t be perfect, but Google Translate is fine to use.)

This event is a unique opportunity to celebrate the new year plus the seasons: winter in the northern hemisphere or summer in the southern hemisphere, and strengthen our connection as an international IES community. The circle will be a time of deep, gentle connection and collective expression through music.

Don’t miss it!

Deep Conversation 2:  The Animate World. Share stories of mystical or spiritual experiences you have had in nature or with other-than-human beings.

Date: 21 April, 2025

Time:  UTC 16:00 – 18:00

Deep Conversation 3:  Practices to Help Calm the Nervous System in Difficult Times. Share and hear about useful ecopsychological practices. These may include creative, somatic, spiritual, mythic, and other dimensions. We need all of the tools we can get, right?

Date: 22 September, 2025

Time:  UTC 16:00 – 18:00

Deep Conversation 4:  Topic undecided, to be announced later. What topics would you like to discuss for DC 4 and beyond?  Please send us your ideas:   Thank you!

Date: 17 November, 2025

Time:  UTC 17:00 – 19:00

This intimate space is exclusively for IES members. Look forward to sharing this time with you! We will send you the Zoom link one week before the event. And if you are not yet a member, join our community!

Become a member here:


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Marian Ríos: Charter IES para Colombia. Presidenta IES Global periodo 2023-2025. Ecopsicóloga. Psicóloga. Magister en Antropología Social. Psicoterapeuta Transpersonal Integral y Profesora de Danza Primal por la Escuela de Psicología Transpersonal Integral de Argentina - EPTI. Coach y facilitadora Integral, Sistémica y Relacional. Co-creadora del Modelo Koru de diseño y facilitación de experiencias de transformación desde paradigmas regenerativos y ecosistémicos. Coordinadora y Cocreadora del Diplomado Internacional de Facilitación Ecosistémica (DIFE), certificado en conjunto con ERES (Escuelas de Regeneración Eco-social) Coordinadora, profesora y mentora de la Formación Ecotuning Trainning - Certificación en Ecopsicología Aplicada de Koru Transformación Chile y Colombia. Co-creadora de Ecodance. Danzando nuestro ser naturaleza.