International directory

2017 Conference – IES Uruguay

A List of accredited IES members, inscribed in the Ecotuner Registers (IRoE), for the current year.

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IES Rule
A  B  C  D  E  F  G H  I  J  K  L  M  N O  P Q  R  S  T U  V W  X Y  Z _ * 
Displaying 61–71 of 71  1 2 3 4
Avatar First name Last name IES Rule Nation Website 
Audrey LaRue Ecotuner USA
Maria Cruz Ecotuner Spain
Patrice Gonzalez Ecotuner USA
Chitra Lakhera Charter India
Emily Ribet Ecotuner USA
Janis Joan Diaz Martinez Ecotuner Puerto Rico
Barbara Montanari Ecotuner Italy
Bianca van Overmeeren Charter Netherlands
Nick Kappatos Greece
Ximena Piastri Charter Uruguay
Susana Veilati Ecotuner Spain
Displaying 61–71 of 71  1 2 3 4

Who can register in IRoE?

What is Ecotuning and what does an Ecotuner do?