Within the framework of the Open Spaces IES initiative, our goal is to co-create a “refuge place” where we can feel in community and share our dreams of awakening the awareness of being nature.

From this space, we have held two meetings with the entire IES Community, called “Building Mycelium”, honoring the natural metaphor of the mycelium hyphae that create a network of life.

April 8, 2024: Building Mycelium 1 – Our Projects Around the World

The first meeting, held on April 8, 2024, was a day dedicated to sharing outstanding ecopsychological projects. Among them:

  • Bodies and Landscapes by Natalia Meroño and Belén Martín from IES Spain.
  • Project Incubator for the Great Turn by Ana Bermejo from IES Spain.
  • Manawa – Ecopsychology for Spiritual Awakening by Claudio Pereira from IES Chile

A space was opened for participants to share their own ecopsychological projects, both orally and through the Padlet platform: Ecotuning IES Ecopsychology Project Network.

If you wish to share your ecopsychological projects on this platform, follow these instructions:

  • Include the name and location of the project.
  • Upload a representative photo.
  • Provide a brief description of the project (4 lines).
  • Include the essential data: Project coordinator (certification and ecopsychology school) and contact information.

The meeting concluded with a reflection on the importance of building mycelium in our community, with the aim of generating the conditions for the flourishing of life in our territories.

June 10, 2024: Building Mycelium 2 – Sharing Ecopsychological Practices

At the second meeting, held on June 10, 2024, very interesting and profound ecopsychological practices were shared:

  • Ocean Literacy by Stefania Pinna – IES Italia
  • Mindfulness in Nature by Sanda Stojkovic – IES Italia
  • Pedagogy in Nature by Georgina Zamora Quílez – IES Uruguay

Participants reflected on the “seeds” they took away from this session and what they are grateful for in the shared practices.

Upcoming Open Spaces Sessions

  • August 12, 2024: Building Mycelium 3 – Spirituality and Nature.
  • October 14, 2024: Building Mycelium 4 – Eco-tuning Group Workshops.If you are interested in participating by sharing a practice, reflection or model in the next sessions, please contact Marian Ríos at: ies@ies.bio

Our purpose is to continue weaving this web of life, promoting connection, mutual learning and the flourishing of ecological awareness in our community.

Belen Martín & Marian Rios . Open Spaces IES Facilitators

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Next articleRefuges in Ecopsychotherapy: A Path of Reconnection between the Human Psyche and the Psyche of the Earth
Marian Ríos: Charter IES para Colombia. Presidenta IES Global periodo 2023-2025. Ecopsicóloga. Psicóloga. Magister en Antropología Social. Psicoterapeuta Transpersonal Integral y Profesora de Danza Primal por la Escuela de Psicología Transpersonal Integral de Argentina - EPTI. Coach y facilitadora Integral, Sistémica y Relacional. Co-creadora del Modelo Koru de diseño y facilitación de experiencias de transformación desde paradigmas regenerativos y ecosistémicos. Coordinadora y Cocreadora del Diplomado Internacional de Facilitación Ecosistémica (DIFE), certificado en conjunto con ERES (Escuelas de Regeneración Eco-social) Coordinadora, profesora y mentora de la Formación Ecotuning Trainning - Certificación en Ecopsicología Aplicada de Koru Transformación Chile y Colombia. Co-creadora de Ecodance. Danzando nuestro ser naturaleza.