Welcome to this new art: writing online!

As a national representative, you can share your thoughts, your research and your proposals … to the whole world.

Writing for the web is different from writing for print or for an academic publication. We will see how to dedicate ourselves to this art, from two points of view: one formal and the other technical.

At the moment, you are learning to enter a text as “Author”.


1. How to write a text

The texts for the web are short: 450-850 words or 2500-6000 (spaces included). In Word, under “Reviews”, there is a counter of words and characters.
They have short, concise phrases, with one concept per phrase and a lot of white space. A theme for each paragraph.The conclusion must be explained at the beginning (sometimes people only read the first few lines), then the details go.To clarify the speech and offer opportunities for more information, you can do:internal links to another site page
external links when they lead to another site (in a new window)

2. How to put text online in Word Press

Open the site at the temporary address of https://ies.bio (when the site is ready, our address will be http://www.ies.bio).

Log in with your user (usually your first name, without accents) and password. If you have received a password that is ready, you can change it in the “profile” menu, here you can also add your own photo (or you can ask me to do it for you).

(1) In the menu bar above, choose + New. An article for Word Press is a Post. In the left menu (Dashboard) you can see them all or you can even open a new one from there.

(2) In the menu on the right, choose the language in which you write the article (check in the menu above that the flag is the one you want).

(3) Write the title

(4) The text

(5) From here, choose whether it will be a plain text (paragraph) or you can choose a broad text, for paragraph headings, we use only that grade and the mean:

Heading 1

Heading 3

In some things, the Word press editor is … spiteful.
Between the simple text (Paragraph) and a title (Heading), for example, there must be a “new line”, otherwise the whole paragraph takes the title characteristics. To decrease the space between the paragraphs, positioned at the beginning of the line that has “fallen too much” and give the “back” command.

To cancel the last command you gave, when it did not get the result you wanted, just do “control z”.

For the rest, writing is done as in a Word document, with all the options: bold, italic, bulleted list, numbered list.

Bold is only used for simple words or a group of words.

3. Optimize SEOs

Below the box where you wrote the article, there is a box called Yoast SEO.
With SEO (Search Engine Optimization), we mean “search engine optimization”, that is, all activities aimed at improving the visibility of a website in the search engines.

Here we can choose how our article will be displayed by Google (for example).

“Snippet view” is the name of the box that will be displayed. If we do not like it, we’ll go down to edit it and edit the title and / or text of the box.

Here we can also add a keyword that characterizes the article (it only has internal utility).

4. Save the draft of the article

Do not forget to save all your work!

At the moment it will not be visible on the site, it will first have to be seen and corrected by the site administrators, but with the Preview button, you can already see how it appears online.

5. A help video

Start by already practicing and inserting your articles that will be published after review.


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Italian psychologist, supervisor counselor and journalist. Promotes Ecopsychology in Italy since 1996. She studied with a direct student of Roberto Assagioli and works in training for personal growth in the professional and business. She completed her education with seminars and vocational retraining in California, Holland and Spain, with some of the most important figures in this field: Fritjof Capra, Joanna Macy, Molly Young Brown and Anna Halprin. She teaches Ecopsychology at the University of Valle D'Aosta (Univda), together with the ecologist Giuseppe Barbiero and Stefania Pinna. She founded in 2004 and heads in Osnago (Lc), “Ecopsiché”, the Italian School of Ecopsychology, that combines personal awareness and environmental ethics. The School offers training and refresher courses for professionals in the world of psychology and education, training group leadership and personal growth “in nature, with nature, for nature.” She is co-founder of the International Ecopsychology Society (IES), member of the Elders Circle and has been the president from 2009 to 2012.