test directory

IES Rule
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Displaying 1–20 of 70 1 2 3 4
Avatar First name Last name IES Rule Nation Website
Dora Ecotuner Greece
Ezequiel Alvarez Vega Charter Argentina
Ana Cristina Amaral da Silva Ecotuner Brazil
Zina Angelopoulou Ecotuner Greece
Claudio Antonio Pereira Charter - IES Board Chile www.korutransformacion.com
Kleio Apostolaki Charter - IES Board - President IES 2017 - 2019 Greece https://www.ecopsychology.gr/en/
Giuseppe Aprigliano Ecotuner Italy
Marco Aurélio Bilibio Charter - President IES 2019 - 2023 Brazil http://ecopsicologiabrasil.com/
Maria Avramidou Ecotuner Greece
Geoff Berry Charter Australia http://www.naturecalling.org
Irene Bouraki Ecotuner Greece
Eliza-Beth Brennan Ecotuner Belgium
Yolanda Burgos Charter Puerto Rico https://tocandotierra.com
Elena Cadelli Ecotuner - IES Secretary Italy https://alberomaestrodielena.com/
Catherine Cattaruzza Ecotuner Belgium
Jorge Conesa Sevilla EES Founder/President EES 2005-2009 USA https://georgeconesaguidan.wixsite.com/guide
Angela Damiano Ecotuner Italy
Marcella Danon EES Founder - Charter - School Director- President EES 2009-2013 Italy http://www.ecopsicologia.it/
Analuisa Díaz Trias Ecotuner Uruguay www.ecopsicologia.com.uy
Teresita Dominguez Ecotuner / President EES 2013-2015 Uruguay http://www.ecopsicologia.com.uy/
Displaying 1–20 of 70 1 2 3 4