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In 2021, IES will begin offering the opportunity to discuss ecopsychological topics with representatives and members from many countries across the globe. This is a place for sharing and dialogue that recognizes, and draws upon the great gift of membership in IES: potential for creating international connections and understanding. The first Deep Conversation will take place on Tuesday, January 26,...
120 people from 24 countries met, connected, and smiled in the first adventurous online seminar experience of IES. The virtual seminar entrance hall was a tropical forest, in honor of what was supposed to be the headquarters of the 2021 conference scheduled in Brazil. The engagement was dynamic as it brought together students from the 8 IES schools active in...
As part of the activities of the IES for our community of ecotuners, ecoallies and students, we have created OPEN SPACE (Open Space), a refuge place where we can feel, think and share about different topics of ecopsychology and our role in the awakening of the consciousness of being nature. At this point we want to share the successful completion...