Deep Conversation
Notes on the First Deep Conversation IES 2024: Ecotuning & Ecotherapy
Marian Rios - 0
“The Lakota knew that human hearts, away from nature, harden; They knew that lack of respect for living and growing things would soon lead to lack of respect for humans as well.” Luther Standing Bear, Oglala
With this great phrase, the first Deep Conversation of 2024 was concluded, facilitated by Dr Tina Asherae Fields, Charter IES USA and attended by...
As part of the activities of the IES for our community of ecotuners, ecoallies and students, we have created OPEN SPACE (Open Space), a refuge place where we can feel, think and share about different topics of ecopsychology and our role in the awakening of the consciousness of being nature.
At this point we want to share the successful completion...
In the vibrant folds of the natural world, a sensitive and passionate gaze reveals a recurring form: everything in nature is a womb. The roots of the trees intertwine in an underground dance, the caves are sculpted like stone wombs, the waves of the grandmother sea break with the force of a cosmic birth, and the puddles in the...
Ecopsychology in action
Diploma in Regenerative Leadership. A Koru Transformation Social Ecopsychology Project.
Claudio Antonio Pereira - 0
In April 2003 we began a great adventure of transformation and learning with the Diploma in Regenerative Leadership, one of the components of the Regeneremos Coquimbo 2023 – 2024 , program financed by the Regional Government of Coquimbo and Certified by ERES Educational Corporation and Koru Transformación, Instituto de Ecopsicología Chile-Colombia.
Our inspiration has been incorporated into the technical...
The international Ecopsychology community - and in particular the Brazilian one - mourn the loss of our friend and important collaborator, the psychologist Renata Moraes Rios, an active and impactful presence who left us last Sunday.
Our prayers and deep condolences go out to Renata's family at this difficult time. The entire international community stands together in supporting her loved...