Eco-Dance is an Ecopsychological practice, we could even say Biomimetic and Regenerative, since it tries to rescue from observation, experience and movement what we have of mineral, vegetable, animal, earthly, universal, driving the way towards the awakening of the Consciousness of Being Nature.

The idea is to translate the patterns and principles of nature, their forms, energies, beings, qualities, colors, to our corporality, to our consciousness. Rather than imitate them, we propose to dance the ecological energy that we have as living beings. Observe, smell, touch, allow the universe to enter through all our senses, be surprised and look for unusual movements, explore rhythms, spaces, patterns, cycles in our corporality, and be open to the new consciences that this generates.

Key concepts:

  1. The body is earth: Our bones, breath and blood are the minerals, air and water within us. Upon reaching a new place, in a few days 70% of your body that is water is now from this place. The eggs, milk and local vegetables you eat form your muscles and bones. Human beings are nature, we are not separated, we are the same.
  2. Dance – and movement – are essential ways to experience this interconnection: Instead of superficial, peripheral or strange, the movement is central and fundamental in relation to what it means to be human at this time. The bodies have an intrinsic intelligence formed by more than 3 billion years of evolutionary history – from the origins of the first cell. Instead of seeking control over the body and the places we inhabit, it is necessary to develop practices for deep interconnection.
  3. Allowing us to embrace the mystery: Life is still a wonderful mystery. The confidence in our ecological wisdom allows us to meet the uncertainty and challenges of our days in a more conscious way and with a more spontaneous joy.

The purpose: Connect with the Ecological Unconscious from biomimesis, imagination, movement and interconnection, promoting:

  • A greater awareness of being nature and the principles that sustain life.
  • Ecological wisdom as a way of exploration and personal, collective and planetary healing, from harmonization with ecological principles.
  • The regenerative link between inner and outer nature.
  • A healthier and more beneficial participation in the ecosystems we inhabit.

The Roots: Eco-dance is a practice created and designed from the Koru Transformation Model and its 7 domains of consciousness, and is based on disciplines such as Primal Dance (Daniel Taroppio), Biodanza (Rolando Toro Araneda), 5 Rhythms (Gabrielle Roth) , Body and Earth (Andrea Olsen), among others.

It does not pretend to be a new model or discipline, it is simply a dynamic space of exploration of the consciousness of being bodily nature. A permanent laboratory of how through movement, we can awaken the ancient memories of the universe.

The Eco-Dance Spiral: Each session / process of Eco-Dance is designed from the Spiral of Koru Transformation Model.

Koru emerges as a living and organic model inspired by nature, a coherent and innovative approach, which helps to connect with the flow of life and the transformation towards new states of well-being and participation in life.

The model is based on an ecopsychological approach to exploration and investigation of the spiral movement of consciousness and the processes of transformation in the human being in direct connection with nature, and in the Regenerative Paradigm from which our participation in reality is crossed by the consciousness of the Nature Being.

The Koru or the Spiral of life, passes through the 7 domains of consciousness:

  • Unit.
  • Senses.
  • Mind.
  • Emotions.
  • Body.
  • Social.
  • Ecological.

Eco-Dance themes: Everything is really danceable, everything can be traversed by the movement of the spiral towards the awakening of our consciousness of being nature. In Koru we propose to dance the principles that sustain life, processes, structures and forces of nature.

These forms, principles, structures and processes of nature, being perceived, understood and experienced experientially, open the door to the emergence of new regenerative practices and the establishment of processes and structures that regulate our social life and our relationship with nature and the universe.

We leave you a video of our Eco-Dance experiences:

If you want to know more about Eco Dance 

Marian Ríos y Claudio pereira (Koru Transformación)


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Marian Ríos: Charter IES para Colombia. Presidenta IES Global periodo 2023-2025. Ecopsicóloga. Psicóloga. Magister en Antropología Social. Psicoterapeuta Transpersonal Integral y Profesora de Danza Primal por la Escuela de Psicología Transpersonal Integral de Argentina - EPTI. Coach y facilitadora Integral, Sistémica y Relacional. Co-creadora del Modelo Koru de diseño y facilitación de experiencias de transformación desde paradigmas regenerativos y ecosistémicos. Coordinadora y Cocreadora del Diplomado Internacional de Facilitación Ecosistémica (DIFE), certificado en conjunto con ERES (Escuelas de Regeneración Eco-social) Coordinadora, profesora y mentora de la Formación Ecotuning Trainning - Certificación en Ecopsicología Aplicada de Koru Transformación Chile y Colombia. Co-creadora de Ecodance. Danzando nuestro ser naturaleza.