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In the vibrant folds of the natural world, a sensitive and passionate gaze reveals a recurring form: everything in nature is a womb. The roots of the trees intertwine in an underground dance, the caves are sculpted like stone wombs, the waves of the grandmother sea break with the force of a cosmic birth, and the puddles in the...
I love this title, it's not mine, it belongs to a book on Experiential Education that I've read a lot of times , and I like it because it perfectly explains the misunderstanding we have regarding managing emotions, where we want to control them , hide them, appease them, deny them or avoid them, everything except proper management...
How can ecopsychology be used in the world of environmental activism? Here is a proposal made by the Italian Ecotuner Stefania Balzarotti, in support of a local committee for the defense of 240 trees absurdly destined for felling. There are encounters in nature in which new thoughts are born and where synchronic events confirm the right direction to "act" upon...
The multiple forms of applied ecopsychology allow us to connect with the rest of nature according to our own preferences. Most of these practices focus primarily on sensory experience, mindful presence, and on building an emotional bond with the more-than-human nature. In addition to all these, I think that there is an equal need for biological knowledge, in the...
Wilderness and mindfulness are two dimensions of life that recall and reinforce each other. The connection between the two becomes even more important in times when the possibility of frequenting wild nature is lessened. By recognizing that “we are Nature”, and by cultivating practices of exploration and enjoyment of our inner nature, we can recreate the connection with the...
Ecopsychology is a new paradigm that explores the relationship between humans and the natural world. It emphasizes the ethics of reciprocity and belonging that we have with and for the land. This paradigm has its roots in the work of thinkers such as Carl Jung, Theodore Roszak, Mari Gomes, and Arne Naess among others. One of the key concepts of...
  With great satisfaction, the International Ecopsychology Society is supporting the In Her Words project, thanks to the immense respect, admiration and gratitude, which we cherish for the person and the work of Joanna Macy.  Important seeds are those that Joanna has planted in our hearts.  At this moment, when the transition to an ecocentric perspective finds new threats, derived...
The project TOCANDO TIERRA is a sustainable development project whose main purpose is to raise awareness and offer an experience in harmony with nature. It promotes landscaping, loving animal husbandry and food security through the planting of chemical-free products and with optimal and conscious use of natural resources. To achieve this purpose, a six-acre farm is being developed in the...
“The Lakota knew that human hearts, away from nature, harden; They knew that lack of respect for living and growing things would soon lead to lack of respect for humans as well.” Luther Standing Bear, Oglala With this great phrase, the first Deep Conversation of 2024 was concluded, facilitated by Dr Tina Asherae Fields, Charter IES USA and attended by...
Eco-Dance is an Ecopsychological practice, we could even say Biomimetic and Regenerative, since it tries to rescue from observation, experience and movement what we have of mineral, vegetable, animal, earthly, universal, driving the way towards the awakening of the Consciousness of Being Nature. The idea is to translate the patterns and principles of nature, their forms, energies, beings, qualities, colors,...